And You, my God, are still the potter...
One of my worst fears is getting to a point in my life where I find myself boasting about my good works or thinking I have all the answers and become blind to the fact that I am not yet whole, but still being molded. I constantly remind myself that I am so full of cracks and imperfections. It would be absurd, and even kind of scary if I thought that I had all the answers, and not realizing that I was falling short in any area of my life. One day, He will make us into a flawless piece of work, but that day has not yet come.
This is a truth that I never want to forget because I think that it could be very harmful for me to think that I have no reason to ask for forgiveness and mercy.
"If we claim we have no sin, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives." - 1 John 1:10
Sometimes, we can get so caught up in some of the good deeds we are doing out in our community, or how great our church congregation is, that we forget that we still need the grace and forgiveness of God every day.
"Therefore, whoever thinks he is standing securely should watch out so he doesn't fall."
- 1 Corinthians 10:12
It is not easy a lot of times. There are those days when you are having a great day, started with prayer and a daily devotional, you stopped on the side of the road to give some money to a man on the corner, you've planned a Bible study with a coworker, you come home to thank God for his blessings and work on projects for your ladies class on Tuesday night. You are feeling good.
But those are usually the times when we need to try the hardest to see our spiritual ugliness in the mirror. When I feel I am doing a lot of good works, is usually the time when I realize I still have so many more faults to work on. So sure, I stopped on the road to give the guy money, but then I thought to myself "I hope he doesn't use it for drugs!" ... judgmental. Or I set up a Bible study with a friend at work, not so much to save their soul, but to show them how I am right and they are wrong. ... self-righteousness. Or I told a friend how I didn't want to sit by that annoying girl in ladies class again on Tuesday ... slander.
You see? It is so easy to get caught up in our good works that we boast our little selves out of the realization that we are still in need of forgiveness and mercy. And that we are not worthy of the grace we have been given. We all have things to work on. We all are being molded by the most perfect hands.
God, I am just a flimsy and foolish piece of clay. Please take me and work me with your hands so that I can see how broken I am without you. Make me into someone that does not boast in gifts, or wisdom, or power, but in your Son and in Him alone. Please remind me when I think that I am completely free of sin, that I am so far from being perfect. Please help me to have a compassionate and forgiving heart to others. Please rip my heart of pride and fear and judgement. You are the only thing I want to see in the mirror. Please mold me until I finally, one day, see your final masterpiece. All of this I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
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