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September 16, 2009

My Taste Is Getting WEIRD.

So, recently I have stumbled across a few things that I really LOVE that I would have never in a million years liked 5 or 6 years ago. Isn't it strange how our tastes can change so suddenly?

[I thought that this bed was just so artistic. I love trees, I'd love to sleep here.]

[These are purses. Not sure that I'd carry one, but intriguing nonetheless.]

[These plates just scream elegance.]

[Stationary Sets]

[Abstract art is a favorite of mine. Plus, it would go perfect with my new "tree bed".] :)

[This is the kind of jewelry I would find when I went rummaging through my grandmothers closet. Hated it then. Love it now. So timeless, so classy.]

[Couldn't have caught me dead in a pair of pointy toed shoes when I was 20 years old.]

[Remember the days when we used to NOT want to look like we bought our clothes at the resale store?]

[The jewelry tree]

So what about you?
Have your tastes changed in the last 5 years or so, or stayed the same?

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  1. I love all those. Especially that shirt! My tastes have become a little more modern over the past couple of years. I just like a lot of the prints and patterns.

  2. I love those plates...where can i buy them?

  3. Jewel - I'm sorry, I've got nothing for ya. :( I found them yesterday just surfing the web and I can't find them again!!

  4. I love all of it! Particularly the dress, shoes, necklace and bed! So different, but completely beautiful!

    I'd say my taste has stayed more or less the same the last five years, although I am rediscovering a love of fashion that I'd just been too busy and poor for as a college student :)

  5. Those pointy toe flats are great! Love the animal skin!
