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November 21, 2009

Treatment : Day 1

So far the radiation treatment hasn't shown any side effects for Adam. (Lets hope it stays that way!) We were instructed by the doctors to stay at least 5 feet away from each other at all times which means I can still be in the same house with him, but never in the same room. It is so cute that I have had friends and family suggest that I just wear a mask, but radiation can even travel through walls, apparently.

It is a good thing that I can be here with him because he was also instructed to not ever set foot in the kitchen. The radioactivity might contaminate all of our food. Our dining room is right there open to our kitchen, so he can't go in there either. So I am having to set his meals outside the door of the guest bedroom, back away, and then he opens the door and gets them. It is really rather sad. It is like he is a prisoner in his own home. [except for the fact that he is still getting steak and baked potatoes ;)] I have already started missing him and he is just a wall away. It is so funny, though, to listen to us trying to communicate with each other. Last night, I had pots on the stove boiling, the washing machine going, and the dishwasher running and we were trying to yell over everything to talk to each other. I think that as long as he is feeling good, I am going to try and get out of the house as much as I can between meal times just to be safe and get some fresh air.

There is definitely a Bright Side to this treatment, obviously, that it might already get rid of all of the remaining cancer before we go in for the full body scan on the 24th. That would be the greatest gift that we could receive over the Holidays. That my husband is cancer free.

It also has a couple of not-so-bright-sides, though, like the fact that Adam could lose his ability to taste anything at all, he will have to miss Thanksgiving with everyone this year, and the fact that we can not try to have a baby for at least a year after the final treatment. I think we can live with all of them, I mean, Christmas is right around the corner and he will get to spend time with everyone, and we weren't in any hurry to start a family anyway, we are still kinda liking our "newlywed phase", so it really isn't that big of a deal.... well... except if Adam loses his taste. He has already told me that would be the "worst thing ever".
{Kinda like pickle juice in your eye}

So, so far treatment has been alright for Adam. We really just miss being able to be close to each other and do things together. I also know that he is going to get so sick of staying cooped up in the house for 7-11 days. He can not be anywhere around his cell phone, [so if you have tried to call, he is not ignoring you..]and I also wanted to let anyone know who has sent us a card, we are working on getting those Thank You letters out! We have not forgotten you. It is just that Adam has gotten around 250 cards since this whole thing has started.

All in all, Adam is doing great so far. I am so proud of him! We are determined to be strong and keep pressing forward, waiting to hear those words next week....

Cancer Free.

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  1. I'm really amazed at how strong you both are through this. I'd be lost if I were in your shoes. Your husband is incredibly lucky to have you!

    I'll be praying for you both :)

  2. Thanks girls! Y'all are both a GREAT ENCOURAGEMENT TO ME!! :)

  3. Is losing your taste a common side effect? That's so wild.

  4. Definitely saying prayers for you and your hubby! You are an amazing wife and I am just in awe of how wonderful y'all seem to be doing with this situation. Isn't it amazing what God does for your heart and mind when you need it most? Hugs!!
