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June 20, 2011

Who Will You Be... ?

The countdown has officially begun. We only have 16 days until we find out (if the baby cooperates) if we are going to have a boy or a girl. Everyone keeps asking me which I would rather have, but the truth is, after much thought and prayer about it, I have decided that I would be ecstatic with either and here are just some of my reasons why:

I have an older brother. I know what that is like to have a protector when you are younger and a best bud when you are older. I wouldn't change a thing about our relationship. So if our kids got to experience having that "older brother", that would be great.
It would do my heart good to see Adam so happy and proud that we had a little boy. Someone to grow up and be just like him.
I've heard that boys sure do love their mamas. ;)
I can only imagine the joy in my dads eyes when he takes his grandson hunting or fishing for the first time.
Just the thought that we could have a little boy to raise who could one day become a missionary, a preacher, a youth director, or even just a man that is the spiritual leader of his home makes me proud.
I know my brother really wants a little nephew to rock out with.
Our best friends son, Brady, and our nephew, Charlie, would have a little playmate.
And last, but certainly not least ....

If we have a boy, I will know that this little person is exactly who God wanted us to have.


I also was blessed enough to have a great relationship with my mother. So I know the bond that a mother and daughter can have all of their lives. I look forward to that.
Again, I think of how proud we would someday be to know that we raised up a Godly woman, who will make an excellent wife to a good man and a wonderful mom. (And give us lots and lots of grand babies so we can have HUGE family Holidays! )
Thinking about all of the things I could teach my daughter makes my heart happy. About the love of God and his amazing creation, about the importance of compassion and forgiveness, and about what it means to be beautiful on the inside.
I can only imagine the joy that Nonna would get out of buying all kinds of precious outfits for her little granddaughter.
"A son is a son til' he takes him a wife. A daughter's a daughter all of her life."

I know that little girls sure do love their daddys. ;)

I think about how precious it would be to watch Adam learn to put her hair in a ponytail, have a tea party with his daughter, and walk her down the aisle.
And last, but certainly not least...
If we have a girl, I will know that this little person is exactly who God wanted us to have.

Either way, I will be lost for words ...
You're more than I deserve.

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  1. And when you find out you'll instantly forget that you *might* have wanted the other gender, because this babe was meant to be yours.

  2. It's completely normal to have a preference or fears about having one gender over another. But when you meet and get to know YOURS you'll wonder what you were thinking because he/she will be perfect for you and just what you need.
