July 7th, 2011

On Friday night, Adam's family came to stay with us for our second reveal party for Baby Bluhm. For this one, we decorated the nursery in the color for the baby, with balloons, hanging bibs, and other things. Then, we set out pink and blue cupcakes and pink and blue drinks on the counter in the kitchen and told them to pick the color they think they will see in the nursery and take one of each.

Here is who thought what ....

And then we walked them down the hall, opened the nursery door,
and they all found out we are having ...

I can see him now heading up to Church in his little sweater and kakis, cheering on the Rangers in his windsuit, or learning to play guitar with daddy, Uncle Taylor, and Uncle Alan in his converse kicks with a faux hawk. I can't wait to hear his little laugh and snuggle up next to him early in the morning.
We can't wait to meet you, Connor Reid.

... a day that will be etched in my memory forever.
It started out like any other ordinary week day. Well, except for the fact that I woke up at 3:30AM and couldn't go back to sleep, Adam didn't leave for work, and I had some serious butterflies in my stomach from excitement waiting for our trip to the doctor. 8AM rolled around and we headed out for our sonogram appointment.
The big one.
My best friend had advised me to stop at the store on the way to the doctor's office and get some caffeine to ensure that we wake that baby up and get them squirming around in hopes that we would be able to leave there with a gender in envelope and head to the bakery.

While at the doctor, we were told about how great our baby is doing. How healthy it is, the brain and heart and spine and everything looked good. A couple of times during the sonogram it even looked like it was waving at us. What a sweet little soul already. :) The size of the baby is right on where it should be at this time, 9 ounces, so they said I will be within 2 days of my due date. (So far that is!)
The funniest thing, is that when we first got there, our first picture of the baby was of it laying face down in the womb, straight out. Yep,... our baby was PLANKING! I laughed about that for a while afterwards!
After leaving the doctor we headed over to the bakery and gave them our envelope so that they could make us a cake with a pink or blue inside. I took off of work because my family was coming into town and we were all going to find out the gender together. So we went and ate some lunch at Chuys and when we were just about done my phone rang. It was the bakery, it was done.
Remember that feeling in High School when you are bending on the track before a race waiting to hear the gun go off? Or right before it is your turn to go out on stage during the One Act Play competitions?? Heart beating out of your chest? That's how I felt. I was so aware in that moment, that a completely new and exciting chapter of our lives was going to begin with one simple color. Either way I knew that Adam and I would be overjoyed, but we had waited for this day for so long, I knew that to finally know who this little blessing growing inside of me was, and that we could finally call them by name, was one of the greatest rushes of passion, excitement, and emotion I think I've ever had.
And we cut the cake ....
and found out we are having ...
(well, I will get to that in a minute..)On Friday night, Adam's family came to stay with us for our second reveal party for Baby Bluhm. For this one, we decorated the nursery in the color for the baby, with balloons, hanging bibs, and other things. Then, we set out pink and blue cupcakes and pink and blue drinks on the counter in the kitchen and told them to pick the color they think they will see in the nursery and take one of each.
Here is who thought what ....
And then we walked them down the hall, opened the nursery door,
and they all found out we are having ...

*Connor Reid Bluhm *
(Connor because we just really liked it and it sounded so strong, and Reid named after his daddy, Adam Reid.)
I can only imagine what kind of heart he will have and what kind of little boy, ... and eventually what kind of man he will be. It's so fun to wonder what he will love. What his sweet little voice will sound like, what his teenage years will be like, and how many lives he will one day change.
Our son.
What an amazing thing to be able to finally say.
So, after cutting the cake on Thursday, my parents turned to mush in about 5.2 seconds and we all headed out to (go absolutely nuts and) make some of the very first purchases for Connor. And let me just say, he is going to be one stylish dude. :)
What a PERFECT gift God decided to give us.
One that will be so LOVED.
We can't wait to meet you, Connor Reid.

YAY! I'm so excited and happy for y'all!
Loralee <3
This is awesome! Congratulations! The suspense was about to get me. I was sitting on the edge of my chair. Just when I thought I was about to discover the gender, you would sidetrack me again! You will be a wonderful mother! What a blessed little boy! --Ann Tuttle