I'm still at a loss for words.
Connor Reid Bluhm was born on 11-20-2011 at 2:43pm. He weighed 7lbs 6ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long.
I know I am probably biased like every parent, but I truly feel like we have the most beautiful little baby I have ever seen. I call him "my little perfect." :) He is such a good baby too. He barely cries at all and almost sleeps through the entire night already. Well, he sleeps a lot of the day too. Which is perfect right now because it gives me plenty of time to do laundry and dishes and blog about how much I love him. Besides, he's getting all the rest he can to build up that energy to play toys with his daddy and sing songs with his mamma.
Adam is such an amazing dad. I knew he would be, I just didn't know he would be so precious - when he talks to Connor and when he kisses him and holds him. It is such a beautiful thing to watch. And he has been such a huge help since we have come home from the hospital. I think all new dads should take a lesson from him. We are such a team when it comes to caring for Connor, and he will jump right up in the middle of the night with me and never complains. I definitely think that having a baby will bring us closer and only make our love for each other grow. There is so much LOVE in this home.
You can just feel it.
I'm reaping better than I sowed.
I'm drinking from my saucer,
'Cause my cup has overflowed."

Now I just need to embrace every single moment of this life with our sweet family. It breaks my heart to think that one day I will look back and wonder where the time went. Kissing him goodbye for college, or watching him marry the love of his life. I want to soak up every second I can with this beautiful baby. And so... I'm done blogging and I'm going to go hold my little perfect and kiss his little cheeks while he sleeps.
When you reach for the stars
Don't forget who you are
And please don't turn around and grow up way too fast
See the sand in my grasp
From the first to the last
Every grain becomes a memory of the past
Don't forget who you are
And please don't turn around and grow up way too fast
See the sand in my grasp
From the first to the last
Every grain becomes a memory of the past
Life's an hourglass
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