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August 20, 2012

Monday (M)orning Music Review

Missy Higgins is one of my favorites. You might know her best for her 2 hits - Warm Whispers & Where I Stood. Not only is she a lyrical genius, but her voice is one of those that can be a little haunting. I love that. In June she dropped her new album, The Ol' Razzle Dazzle. Was it worth the wait? Oh, you bet.

My top 3 favorite songs are:

Everyone's Waiting

The beginning of this song tricks you a bit. With the harmony, it sounds completely different from the power she gets into a few lines in. I love the way she sings the chorus. In fact, it makes the song. I always want this track to last longer than it does. Thank goodness for REPEAT.

"And everyone’s waiting
But it’s getting harder to hear what my heart is saying"


This song is fun. One of the more up-beat tracks on the album. She is so honest and it feels like the outer layers are completely stripped away, all while keeping a great beat.

"I’m done with smoke screens
and fancy veils
I’m done with all this petty decorating of myself
Guess you should want me the way I am
Truth is I want to be more than that"

Sweet Arms Of A Tune

I'm not even sure what to say about this song. It's gut wrenching. It's beautiful. I hate it and love it all at the same time. This is what I mean when I say HAUNTING. Hmm, what lyrics do I not love?

"He told her when she played,
Wings sprouted from her shoulder blades
And every bone inside her seemed to change.
So on her fingers moved, over notes she hoped would soothe,
His jagged soul caressing every groove.

Oh and how she longed to say, that she'd missed his troubled ways,
And if she could she'd do it all again."

With all of that said, this one gets

I hadn't heard of Grace Potter and the Nocturnals until recently, but it seems they've been around for quite some time. And now, I'm completely regretting not discovering them sooner. Grace definitely has amazing vocal abilities, and there are those certain tracks that get stuck in your head the entire day. Here are my favorites.

Never Go Back

Who doesn't want to sing along when you hear this song? It's one of those that you can put on and do just about anything to. And by the end, if you aren't aware that your foot is tapping or your head is nodding, I'd say you might just lack a pulse.

"I can’t take it no more, this
Scratches on my soul
I can’t, and I’ll never let you near my heart again

Oh no, oh no
I’ll never go back there no more"

The Lion The Beast The Beat

I definitely know why this is the title track. And why "THE BEAT" is included. This song has beat for sure. I mean, granted, the lyrics on this one aren't all that clever, but maybe it has some hidden meaning that I'm not getting. Either way, its a drive with your windows down kind of song.

"Life is a record, playing on repeat"


By far, my favorite on the album. If this isn't an instant radio hit, then I would be very surprised. The first line completely pulls you in and you can't help but love it the whole way through. Thank you Grace Potter, for this little treasure of a song.

"I lit a fire with the love you left behind
And it burned wild and crept up the mountainside...

... I can't look at the stars
They make me wonder where you are"

And for next week? I'll be listening to one of my favorites from college that just released a new album to let you know what I think ...

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