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June 12, 2014

Gender Reveal :: So We're Having A ....

Little Girl! We are so excited to have one of each. We technically found out at 14 weeks (I'm 21 now) because a friend of mine gave us a free ultrasound. She did again at 16 weeks just to check again and make sure and YEP! Still a girl. So when I had my "official" ultrasound at 20 weeks, I wasn't surprised at all when I heard those 3 words. It's a Girl.

We've decided on a name for her - Annelise. We think it is so beautiful and unique. In Hebrew it means "gracious and devoted to God." We've already started calling her baby Annelise so that my son will get used to hearing it and we've begun praying for her by name. Now I just need to figure out how to do hair (I can't even do my own! ha!) and we should be just fine. 

Honestly, either way I would have been beyond excited. Little boy or little girl. It is always fun to get a glimpse into the future and see what God wanted you to be the mother of.

How far along:  21 weeks
Gender:  She's a SHE. :) 
Weight Gain: How about we quit logging this, eh? 
Any surprises? The fibroid tumor that my doctor found in the beginning seems to have disappeared.. ??? Either it was our prayers that were answered or maybe she saw something else to begin with and thought it was a tumor. Either way, HOORAY!  
Stretch marks:  Not yet!  .... fingers....crossed.....
Sleep:  Sleeping great! And our little boy is doing great in his big boy bed so that is helping us so much. I'm so proud of him.
Project Nursery: Ready to get started! Here is my pinterest board filled with ideas! - BABY A
Funny moment of the week:  We have a practice baby that my son has been "getting used to" around the house and now he brings it over to me and puts it under my shirt. He doesn't quite get it yet. Silly kid. 
Cravings:  Raspberries and chips & salsa. Not together though, ew. 


  1. Congrats, Theresa!!! A little girl will be so much fun! I totally feel you on the hair thing. My mom did my hair until I was in the 8th grade. Sad, I know. So unfortunately, I never really learned how to do a French braid, etc.

  2. Congratulations! Little girls are so much fun! :) Lana

  3. Thanks Hayley! - Yes, sadly I try to do the things I see on Pinterest all of the time with my hair and no luck! I should start one of those "nailed it" funny blogs. I would have some photos for THAT! haha

    Thank you, Lana! I am excited to see how different our little girl is from our boy. :)
