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August 25, 2011


Only 14 weeks left and Connor Reid will make his debut into the world.
Carrying a child is so beautiful.
It is beautiful to lay down with my husband, put my head on his chest while he puts his hand on my belly, and hear his heartbeat while we feel our son move.

My favorite movements and sounds in the world.

I wish I could capture how I feel right now, and keep it in a jar. When I think of how blessed I am, everything feels different. The sun shines brighter, music sounds sweeter,
and God ... well, He feels closer.
I feel sorry for men that they will never be able to experience this. Even though they always laugh, roll their eyes, or disagree with me whenever one hears me say that! :) Seriously though, just another one of the many reasons why I am thankful to be a woman.

Here is what is going on with Connor this week:
The network of nerves in our baby's ears is better developed and more sensitive than before. He may now be able to hear both my voice and my husband's as we chat with each other. He's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of his lungs. These so-called breathing movements are also good practice for when he's born and takes that first gulp of air. And he's continuing to put on baby fat. He now weighs about a pound and two-thirds and measures 14 inches (an English hothouse cucumber) from head to heel.{}

Well, my poor husband has been working himself to death and starting his college classes. Have I mentioned how proud I am of him? I know it can't be easy, especially when they have him working nights, but he is a trooper. He will be going in pretty soon for his 6 month scan to make sure that the cancer is still all gone. I'm not worried, though. God watches over us.

Other than working and getting things ready for the baby, I have been working on things for my 10 Year Class Reunion this next weekend. I can't believe 10 years have gone by so fast. I am really excited about seeing everyone and catching up. I sincerely believe that out of all of the classes that have ever graduated from Beckville High School, I probably have the most genuine and most kind hearted people in my class. Many of these people grew up with me from just a baby. It's sad how you grow apart when you leave, but it's just the nature of life. You move on to a different chapter and make new memories with new people. It doesn't mean that you don't still have a soft spot in your heart for all of those classmates. I'm also really glad that we are having a family picnic so that I can meet everyone's kiddos. Yep, I'm one of the last few in my class to have children, but that doesn't bother me. I think God's timing was perfect.

You can't really tell in the picture above, but it seems like little Connor might be starting to drop a little more. My belly is getting to look more like a torpedo and less like a bowling ball with each passing day. I am noticing that I am getting tired a lot easier like in the first trimester (probably because I am close to starting the third), but other than that, I really can't complain. I am still feeling good, my hormones haven't been out of whack (I guess we could ask Adam and he could be the judge of that!), and the acid reflux I had for a while a month or so ago is completely gone. One last thing I have noticed, is that I just can't seem to get enough sleep. I could sleep for 12 hours straight one night and still take a 3 hour nap the next day. My body is definitely preparing for a lot of sleepless nights.

Coke Floats ... Yummo.

The song above, is called Alex's Song. I found it one night when I was looking for new music and I just fell in love with it. It reminds me of my marriage. So one night when Adam didn't have to go into work, I played it for him as we laid there on the bed about to go to sleep. I didn't realize that we were snuggled up, hand in hand, until the last part of the song came on...

"I still play that same guitar and sing your favorite songs
Life goes by, the pictures fading, we don't have much time,

How we lived is how we'll leave, with your hand in mine.

And I thought, I'd wake up and tell you, if God would give me two...

... I'd spend both my lives loving you. "

I know a lot of people say it,
but I really do feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

1 comment :

  1. You are so gorgeous! I love what you write and it's so cool to think Connor will have it all to read when he grows up.
